Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2

Hello again,

Well, here we are the end of week two and the beginning of week 3. It seems like the semester is flying by and we've only just begun to learn! I have learned a lot in the past week, a lot specifically about anatomy. Muscles are a key ingredient to learning how to draw a human figure. So, naturally, we all should have to learn them.
This week we had been assigned our first mannequin assignment. The Spinal Erectors is the section of muscles that we had to sculpt onto our skeletons. I, personally, gave my mannequin the name of LeRoy. He seems like a LeRoy, and he will have green colored muscles. So far, he has his spinal erectors in tact and ready to be critiqued. It was way more difficult than I thought it would be. But after a couple of hours fully concentrating, his back muscles had begun to look successful. I think I did a pretty good job sculpting the 9 sections of spinal erectors that were assigned. On Tuesday, Amy is going to go around and give us comments on how to improve our muscle sculpting. Which, I'm actually looking forward to, having a few tips might make it a little easier.  
We did not do much drawing this week, well not much full body drawing. We concentrated on the spinal bones, because we are supposed to learn how to draw from the inside out. This is difficult to catch on to, but once you have it, you learn to get better. When the model is facing forward, you obviously can't see the spinal bones, but instead you are supposed to draw the middle line that goes down your chest, stomach and waist. It is the middle of your body, since our bodies are symmetrical. 
Until Next Week,

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